Previous Experience



I have worked as a freelance technical editor/reviewer on eight technical computing books with major publishers in the USA.

Please see the Technical Editor page for full details,



I have written two of my own technical computing books with major publishers in the USA.

Please see the Author page for full details.


Contributing Author

I have been a contributing author for two technical computing books with major publishers in the USA.

Please see the Contributing Author page for full details.


I have completed and passed the following distance learning training courses:

  • Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) - Proofreading 1: Introduction
  • Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) - Proofreading 2: Headway
  • Publishing Training Centre (PTC) - Essential Proofreading (Merit)
  • Publishing Training Centre (PTC) - All 15 e-Learning Modules
  • Publishing Training Centre (PTC) - Essential Grammar.